
U11 Training and Games

Published Sun 13 Oct 2019


Barras have a cohort of U11 girls who did our New to Water Polo sessions earlier in the year but will not be joining our U12 teams.

We will be including them in our U12 training sessions on a Sunday morning at Stuartholme and would like to open the same scenario up to our boys.

This was discussed at our most recent committee meeting but with the summer season start up underway we are yet to develop any details for this initiative.

We know a number of other clubs do something for their younger kids and will be looking at whether we can arrange some informal games between clubs.

There will be a cost associated with this and we will develop a structure for this once we have an initial indication of interest.

If you are interested (boys or girls) please complete the EOI here;

We have spaces in our U12 boys teams so there will be an opportunity to join them later in the season.




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